The Theme of Shelley's Ode to the West wind
The poem "Ode to the West Wind" directly conforms to Shelley�s poetic creed. Poetry, Shelley writes in A Defence of Poetry , ��awakens and enlarges the mind by rendering it the receptable of a thousand unapprehended combination of thought. Poetry lifts its veil from the hidden beauty of the world.� Consistent with this theory of poetc creation, Shelley�s Romanticism is filled with vehement feelings, ecstatic, mournful, passionate, desperate or fiercely indignant. Sometimes this turns inward to talk about himself. It is in this that he is unique among the Romantics�looking for a better world of liberty, equality and fraternity in his idealistic project of life. For this, he is seen to be pessimistic about the present but highly optimistic about the future to come. The wind is itself a powerful and recurrent Romantic metaphor. But in Shelley�s treatment it is not a �correspondent breeze�. It is ...