Variations in English Prosody
--> There are a few variations in English prosody. For the convenience of the readers I explain those briefly below: Spondee : When both the syllables are accented , the foot is called spondee. Ere ha ' lf / my day ' s / in this / da ' rk wo ' rld / and wi ' de Pyrrhic : When both the syllables are unaccented, the foot is called pyrrhic. Ere ha ' lf / my day ' s / in this / da ' rk wo ' rld / and wi ' de Catalectic : If at the end of a trochaic line , there is only an accented syllable , it is presumed that an unaccented syllable has been dropped. In this case the foot is called catalectic . A ' ll the / jo ' ys that / ble ' ss thee. Swee ' t-er/ fa ' r may/ be ' . Acephalous : If in the beginning of an iambic line , there is only one accented syllable, it is presumed that an unaccented syllable has been dropped. In this case the foot is called acephalous. Ha ' t...