
Showing posts from May, 2009


IDEA OF KNOWLEDGE IN IDEA OF A UNIVERSITY Henry Newman's The Idea of a University is a landmark in the field of education. His definition of knowledge or education is truly unique. He treats it philosophically and scientifically rather than emotionally and fancifully. He does not see the subject, like Bacon, from the viewpoint of a utilitarian or pragmatic or expedient thinker. He sees it both realistically and spiritually. His main objective in defining knowledge is the enlargement of mind, the widening and cultivation of intellect and the purification of thought. Knowlwdge : according to Newman, " knowledge is a state or condition of mind". Such knowledge is the permanent attribute of mind. In this essay, Newman is of the opinion that knowledge is something which is a power. He says. "I only say that, prior to its being a power, it is a good; that it is, not only an instrument, but an end. I know well it may resolve itself in

Concept of Liberty

Concept of Liberty in "On Liberty " In 'Chapter 1' of the famous essay, "On Liberty", Mill gives a rational justification of the freedom of the individual in opposition to the claims of the state to impose unlimited control. Mill addresses the nature and limits of the power that can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual. Mill expresses the idea of Liberty in such a way that it covers all the spheres of human life and here he means to say that without these liberties one can not be considered to be truly free. However, before justifying Mill's conception of liberty we need to know what we mean by Liberty . The word Liberty refers to the meaning of the state of being free from the excessive restrictions imposed on one's life by a powerful force. As J.G.H Cole says, "The freedom of the individual is to express without external hindrance of personality." And to Ruskin