Themes of Revenge in Medea
The main theme of this drama, Medea is that of revenge with love as the motivating factor. The play indicates how dreadfully Medea contrives her plan of vengeance. From the killing of the new bride and the bride's father her revenge began, and with the killing of her two children and by leaving her husband in destitute she succeeded in her attempt of revenge. Her revenge is excessive, perverse, and nihilistically potent. The theme of revenge in Medea is like saying -" what goes around comes around " in the sense that Medea has a strong desire to take back at Jason for what he has done to her. From the beginning of the play we see Medea's desire of taking revenge. "Oh, may I see Jason and his bride Ground to pieces in their shattered palace For the wrong that have dared to do to me'' Medea is a barbarian girl who had sacrificed everything for Jason. Medea's search for revenge commences after her husband, Jason, leaves her to gain pow...