
Showing posts from September, 2012

Questions on Hamlet

1.  Whom does Polonius send to France to spy on Laertes? (A) Reynaldo (B) Ophelia (C) Guido (D) Marcellus 2. Where does the ghost appear during the play? (A) The castle ramparts and the great hall of Elsinore (B) Fortinbras�s tent and Hamlet�s bedchamber (C) The castle ramparts and Gertrude�s bedchamber (D) Gertrude�s bedchamber and the great hall of Elsinore 3.  How did Claudius murder King Hamlet? (A) By stabbing him through an arras (B) By pouring poison into his ear (C) By ordering him to be hanged (D) By poisoning his wineglass 4. Where is the university at which Horatio and Hamlet studied? (A) Paris (B) Oxford (C) Constantinople (D) Wittenberg 5. Whose skull does Hamlet discover in the churchyard? (A) The former court jester�s (B) Reynaldo�s (C) Ophelia�s (D) His father�s 6 . Which of the following characters cannot see the ghost? (A) Marcellus (B) Hamlet (C) Gertrude (D) Horatio 7 . Who escorts Hamlet on the voyage to England? (A) Cornelius and Voltimand (B) Rosencrantz and Gu

Questions Based on Macbeth

1 . Who kills Macbeth? (A) Macduff (B) Banquo (C) Lady Macbeth (D) Malcolm 2 . How many men reign as king of Scotland throughout the play? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 3 . Whom does Lady Macbeth frame for the murder of Duncan? (A) Malcolm and Donalbain (B) Duncan�s drunken chamberlains (C) The porter (D) Macbeth 4 . Who kills Banquo? (A) Macduff (B) Fleance (C) Macbeth (D) A group of murderers hired by Macbeth 5 . Which of the following best describes Lady Macbeth�s death? (A) She dies offstage. (B) She sleepwalks off of the palace wall. (C) She declares her own guilt and stabs herself with a knife. (D) Macduff slays her in revenge for his own wife�s murder. 6 . Who discovers Duncan�s body? (A) Lennox (B) Ross (C) Macduff (D) Donalbain 7 . Whom does Macbeth see sitting in his chair during the banquet? (A) himself (B) Banquo�s ghost (C) Duncan�s ghost (D) Lady Macbeth 8 . What vision does Macbeth have before he kills Duncan? (A) He sees a floating head urging him to spill blood. (B) He sees