Explanatory note on Lord Ullin�s Daughter � Thomas Campbell

The atmosphere is one of the distinct characteristics of the poem Lord Ullin�s Daughter . The poem starts with an agitated atmosphere that arrests our attention. A chieftain of the highlands rushes to the seashore with his beloved and orders a boatman to row them across the sea without delay. He promises to give the boatman a silver pound. The chieftain�s restlessness and anxiety are evident here, though why he is in a hurry is not clear. It arouses the boatman�s curiosity to know who they are. Then the chieftain introduces himself as the chief of Ulva Isle and his beloved as Lord Ullin�s daughter. Expressing his anxiety the chieftain tells the boatman in a troubled voice that they have been on the run for three days to escape the wrath of her father. Adding to his agitation and the upset atmosphere are Lord Ullin�s horsemen chasing the love birds. The chieftain keeps worrying over the thought that if he is slain, what will become of his boney bride. He is being chased by Lord Ullin�s...