SHUAIB ASGHAR DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH GOVT. RAZVIA ISLAMIA COLLEGE HAROONABAD, PAKISTAN The branch of linguistics that deals with the sounds of speech and their production, combination, description, and representation by written symbols. Touching upon physics and physiology, phonetics is now a pure science that studies speech processes, including the anatomy, neurology and pathology of speech, the articulation, transmission, and perception of speech sounds. Phonetics is divided into three main branches, corresponding to these three distinctions: � Articulatory phonetics is the study of the way the vocal organs are used to produce speech sounds. � Acoustic phonetics is the study of the physical properties of speech sounds. � Auditory phonetics is the study of the way people perceive speech sounds. Articulatory Phonetics In studying articulation, phoneticians explain how humans produce speech sounds via the interaction of different ph...