Hardy�s The Return of the Native is a novel based on unpractical idealism and incompatible relationship between two major characters � Clym Yeobright and Eustacia Vye. Both of them are poles apart in character: The former is a plodding idealist, whereas the later is a fiery sensualist. Where Eustacia�s vision is a projective dream of the world, Clym�s is an introspective dream. Where she is a �the raw material of a divinity� who wilfully creates the objects of her world, Clym, is the enslaved sovereign of the kingdom of his mind. The conflict between these two antithetical modes of perception is inevitable from the outset; both fail to see the other at the commencement of the relationship. When the story begins, we are not introduced with Clym who has been in Paris at that time but returns soon to the heath and it is the return that drives the plot of novel. Clym Yeobright is the tragic hero of Hardy�s novel. He is young man of thirty three and he is attractive enough to ...