Symbolism in A Farewell to Arms
Symbols are considered to be an artistic device. The writers do not convey their thoughts in cheaper words but they use symbols to foreshadow and make their language rich and impressive. A Farewell to Arms depends heavily on Hemingway�s symbolic technique to convey the subjective condition of his characters. Hemingway�s use of symbols and metaphors is always sublime and subtle. But this does not mean that his symbolism is tinged with obscurity or ambiguity. Rather his idiomatic expressions and under-statements are quite clear and far from being incomprehensible. The writer uses simplicity and naturalness to decorate his narrative and to draw the attention of his reader. The very title of the novel is itself symbolical. The title bears two-fold symbolic meanings. The hero in the novel bids farewell not only to the war but also to the arms of the woman he loves. He bids farewell to war because he is disgusted with it. But he also bids farewell to the arms of his beloved...