Themes in 'The Waste Land'
SHUAIB ASGHAR DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH GOVT. RAZVIA ISLAMIA COLLEGE HAROONABAD, PAKISTAN �The Waste Land� , a masterpiece of T.S. Eliot, is a long and complex poem about the psychological and cultural crisis that came with the loss of moral and cultural identity after the World War I. The critics have commented on the theme of this poem in different words: �vision of desolation and spiritual drought�. (F.R. Leavis); �the plight of the whole generation�. (I.A. Richards); �a sigh for the vanished glory of the past�. (Cleanth Brooks) �there is a life in death, a life of complete inactivity, listlessness and apathy�. (Spender) There are only two master themes in the poem, which in turn, generate many sub-themes. Disillusionment The first of these major themes is the disillusionment, which indicates in the current state of affairs of modern society, especially the post-World War I Europe in which he lived. He illustrates this pe...