
Showing posts from January, 2015

� Character of Desdemona in Othello

Character and role of Desdemona in Othello . Is Desdemona a pathetic character rather than tragic? Discuss. It is very easy, as several recent critics have noted, to canonize Desdemona, a fate rather common to a number of Shakespeare�s particularly appealing heroines. Desdemona, however, is made of stern stuff and not all her characteristics are quite so saintly. This is far from giving credence to Iago�s insinuations. It implies rather that she is human. It is a little too easy to consider Desdemona as not much more than the object of Othello�s love and the victim of the passion. This is ironic, for Desdemona�s chief quality is her independence, a characteristic not uncommon in a number of Shakespeare�s female characters. She is no shy, reticent creature when it comes to standing up for herself before the senators of Venice . We have to consider that she is brought at night to speak for herself and Othello before an angry and distressed father. Her language is firm, temperate and

Ambebkar's Conversion to Buddhism

Source: For original visit the above link Ambebkar's Conversion to Buddhism: Factors and after Effect Dr. Arun Kumar Sinha Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi Dr. Bhimrao, Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956) was one of the leading personalities of our modern India. A great social

Gulliver�s Travels: A Social and Political Allegory

Allegory means a story based on two levels, �apparent level and deeper� . Swift�s polemical tour de force � Gulliver�s Travels� is a multi-genre text  working on many levels. It is at once a folk-myth, a delightful children's story, a wonderful travelogue, a neurotic fantasy, and an unequivocal moral tale. Each of the four books�recounting four voyages to fictional exotic lands�may have a different theme but all are the attempts to deflate excessive human pride. Critics hail the work as a satiric reflection on the shortcomings of Enlightenment thought. The form and structure of the whole work enhances Swift's purpose. By using outlandish humans such as midgets and giants, Swift allows us to examine the fallacies of mankind without being overly frightened. As Tuveson points out, "In  Gulliver's Travels  there is a constant shuttling back and forth between real and unreal, normal and absurd.� From the start the Lilliputians arouse our interest and win our liking.

PAST PAPERS - YEAR 2003 - 2014

PAPER I - CLASSICAL POETRY 1. YEAR 2003 Attempt any FOUR questions including Question No. 1 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point.  1. Explain the reference to the context any FOUR of the following passages: (i) And I have leave to go of her goodness, And she also, to use newfangleness. But since that I so kindly am served "How like you this?" What hath she now deserved. (ii) A bettre felawe sholde men naught fynde, He wolde suffre, fro a quart of wyn, A good felawe to have his concubyn, A twelf monther, and excuse hym atte fulle. (iii) When those fair suns shall set, as set they must, And all those tresses shall be laid in dust, This lock, the Muse shall consecrate to fame, And midst the stars inscribe Blinda's name. (iv) ---Some cursed fraud Of enemy hath beguiled thee; yet unknown, And me with thee had ruined; for with thee certain My resolution is to die. (v) If our two loves be one, or thou and I Love so alike, that none do s