
Showing posts from June, 2016

An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision

An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision by George Berkeley (Not complete) 1. My design is to show the manner wherein we perceive by sight the distance, magnitude, and situation of OBJECTS. Also to consider the difference there is betwixt the IDEAS of sight and touch, and whether there be any IDEA common to both senses. 2. It is, I think, agreed by all that DISTANCE, of itself and

Walter Pater�s Renaissance

Source: Rachel Teukolsky, �Walter Pater�s Renaissance (1873) and the British Aesthetic Movement� Abstract Walter Pater�s Studies in the History of the Renaissance is known as the �golden book� of the British Aesthetic movement. Though ostensibly focused on

Expected Questions Series

The New Humanism school of philosophy and literary criticism was popular in America during: 1910-1930 What does �I� stand for in �To Carthage then I came�: St. Augustine (Eliot�s The Waste Land) Estella is the daughter of? Joe Gargery, who also is guardian of Pips Who coined the phrase �egotistical sublime�? Coleridge The novel The Power And The Glory is set in? Mexico The sub-title of

The Axis Of Neocolonialism: Rajiv Malhotra

Source: The Axis Of Neocolonialism Rajiv Malhotra In the modern planetary situation, Eastern and Western �cultures� can no longer meet one another as equal partners. They meet in a westernized world, under conditions shaped by western ways of thinking.� � W. Halbfass[1] This essay argues that intellectual svaraj (self-rule) is as

UGC-NET Expected

Who coined the term �Metaphysical� poets: Samuel Johnson in Lives of the most Eminent English Poets Which poet was the chapter of lives of the most eminent English poets based answer. Abraham Cowley Who said about John Donne, he affects the metaphysics, not only in his satires, but in his amorous verses, where nature only should reign?: John Dryden Eliot has borrowed the term unreal city in


UGC NET Solved paper II 94 December ENGLISH PAPER II 1. The renaissance started in A) Italy B) France C) England D) Germany Answer: A 2. The line �The paths of glory lead but to the grave� occurs in A) Shakespeare B) Herbert C) Pope D) Gray Answer: D 3. By �character� Aristotle means A) Personages in drama B) Cause of action C) Combination of incidents in drama D)


Your vanity is ridiculous, your conduct an outrage, and your presence in my garden utterly absurd. However, you have got to catch the four-five, and I hope you will have a pleasant journey back to town. Your vanity is .......... journey back to town. REFERENCE (i) Drama:  The Importance of Being Earnest (ii) Dramatist:  Oscar Wilde CONTEXT (i) Occurrence:  Act 2 (ii) Content:   Jack and Algernon are wealthy gentlemen. Jack lives in the country and Algernon dwells in London. Algernon visits Jack's house and introduces to Jack's young ward Cecily as Ernest, the assumed named of Jack. Shortly after, Jack arrives home announcing Ernest's death. Cecily and Gwendolen have a genteel stand-off over which of that has a prior claim on "Ernest". Jack and Algernon vie to be christened Ernest. Eventually, Jack discovers that his parents were Lady Bracknell's sister and brother-in-law and that he is Algernon's older brother, called Ernest. Algernon/Cecily, Jack/Gwendole...