
Showing posts from July, 2016

Dawn at Puri: Mahapatra

Dawn at Puri By Jayanta Mahapatra Dawn at Puri is one of the most beautiful poems written by Jayanta Mahapatra laced with thought and idea, imagery and reflection. A modern poem by a modern Indian English poet, it is short, but reflective. Just a few lines of poesy mesmerize our imagery and thought which the readers can feel it. The poem is scenic and landscapic too. The

Hunger: Mahapatra

Hunger by Jayanta Mahapatra Article by Bijay Kant Dubey Hunger is one of the thoughtful poems ever written by Jayanta Mahapatara who is not merely an imagist, but a realist, a feminist, a modernist, a post-modernist and what not apart from being a nihilist, an existentialist and an iconoclast. Photography is his hidden love. Light and darkness the shades of his delving and he interprets in

Night of the Scorpion: Nissim Ezekiel

Night of the Scorpion: Nissim Ezekiel Article Written by Bijay Kant Dubey, a famous regional poet A note for Bijay Kant Dubey: India, a land of great poets, often ignores its mainstream poets and the regional poet, Bijay Kant Dubey is such a name. Though he continuously writes poetry on natural and supernatural subjects and objects like that of Milton but hardly a research scholar aware of

Indian English Language: A Literary Perspective

Indian English Language: A Literary Perspective By: Bijay Kant Dubey Indian English is in reality whether you believe it or not neither Welsh English nor Irish English nor Cockney English nor Scottish English, neither King�s Standard nor Queen�s, neither of Oxford nor of Cambridge nor Harvard nor California nor New York nor Virginia. Neither Australian English nor the English spoken in New

UGC- Dec 2007, P-2

Solved UGC NET question Dec 2007 1. The author of The Provok'd Husband was : (A) Etherege (B) Colley Cibber (C)Wycherley (D)Vanbrugh Answer: D 2. Who among the boys in Golding's Lord of the Flies is associated with Christ ? (A) Piggy (B) Ralph (C) Jack (D) Simon Answer: D 3. The complete title of Laurance Stern's novel Tristram Shandy is: (A)The Strange and Surprising

UGC- Dec 2006

Solved UGC NET question Dec 2006 PAPER II 1. The title The Sound and the Fury is taken from : (A) Hamlet (B) Macbeth (C) The Tempest (D) King Lear Answer B 2. Pecola is a character in : (A) The Bluest Eye (B) Oliver Twist (C) Don Quixote (D) Beloved Answer A 3. Which of the following was associated with the �Bloomsbury Group�. (A) T. S. Eliot (B) W. B. Yeats (C) T. E