
Showing posts from July, 2017

English- MCQ, Part 4

Source: William Shakespeare(1564 - 1616) (Elizabethan Period) 218)In which town was Shakespeare born?a)Londonb)Cambridgec)Stratfordd)Oxford219)How many children did Shakespeare have?1)32)53)84)12220)How many plays did William Shakespeare write?a)36b)37c)38d)39221)What was Shakespeare's first play?a)King

English MCQ, Part 3

Source: The Life and Works of Christopher Marlowe( Elizabethan era)143)One of Marlowe's earliest published works was his translation of the epic poem 'Pharsalia', written by which Roman poet?a)Ovidb)Lucanc)Virgild)Horace144) Marlowe's poem 'The Passionate Shepherd to His Love' begins with the line "Come live with

English- MCQ, part 2

Source: MIDDLE AGES 97. Which people began their invasion and conquest of southwestern Britain around 450?a) the Normansb) the Geatsc) the Celtsd) the Anglo-Saxonse) the Danes98. Words from which language began to enter English vocabulary around the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066?a) Frenchb) Norwegianc)

English: MCQs, Part 1

Source: Poetry 1. Which poem ends 'I shall but love thee better after death'? a. How do I love theeb. Ode to a Grecian urnc. In faith I do not love thee with mine eyesd. Let me not to the marriage of true minds2. Which poet is considered a national hero in Greece?a. John keatsb. Lord Byronc. Soland. Sappho3. Which