How-to-Write Tips � Engaging Film Review

English Writing Tips on Film Review 
Writing a successful film review is like preparing a recipe. A film review writer writes an engaging review concentrating on the essential elements of a film just as a chef cooks up a recipe using the required ingredients in right amounts. It is the writer�s creativity, writing style and keen eye for details that make the final result interesting.

First Paragraph � Info-packed

The first paragraph of any write-up should be written in such a unique way as to grip the reader�s attention. Better known as lead, the first paragraph can start with a power-packed or touching dialogue from the movie or a comparison of the movie to other movies of the same genre. The reviewer should stuff the lead with the names of the director, script writer, music director and the principal characters. Whether the movie is a slice of real life, comedy, tragedy, romantic, thriller or an action flick is part of the lead. One more thing to mention in the lead is the film is the celluloid adaptation of a novel or drama, or a sequel of some other movie.  

Second Paragraph � Story-telling

Most of the readers base their decision whether they should watch a film on the story of the film. Therefore, they go through the reviews on the film to have some snippets of its story. So, the lead of a movie should be followed by a synopsis of the film story. The synopsis must be pithy and punchy. It should not be too revealing. The reviewer should not untangle all the threads of mystery and complicacy, if there is any, in the plot while reviewing it. If the movie is really good and a must watch, the reviewer should summarize the story with a focus on the interesting twists and turns in the plot to pique the reader�s interest in the movie.

Third Paragraph � Focus on Character Portrayal    

The readers are keen to know about the characters that their favorite actor and actress have played in the film. They also feel itchy to know about performance. The reviewer should be fair in his judgment on the performance of the film�s star cast. He should concentrate on if the characters are convincing, if the actors have got into the skin of the characters, if development of the characters is related or relevant to the plot. There is no reason for his hesitation to mention the shortcomings in the portrayal of the prominent characters, if there is any.

Fourth Paragraph - Technical Details

Without a mention of the film�s aesthetic and technical details, the review would read dull and incomplete. Cinematography, editing, special effects and sound are among the technical details to ponder upon in the review. The scenes and dialogues in a movie are pieced together with finesse and leaving no fault in the narrative drive through meticulous editing. The picturesque quality or visual quality of a film depends on cinematography. Often special effects are used to illustrate or put flesh on the most prominent scenes.

Fifth Paragraph � Aesthetic Details

Among the aesthetic details, the script, choreography and music deserve to be paid attention in a film review. The success of a film depends on these to a great extent. So, the reviewer needs to mention if the script is taut or loose and which number from the film�s music album is melodious. If the story is reflective of any social issue, if it is narrated using symbols and imageries, if it conveys any message should also be focused on in the review.   

Sixth Paragraph � the Ending   

Another most important thing to be included in the review is the ending of the film. The reviewer should make it clear if the end is a climax or an anticlimax, if it is shot tactfully and if it does leave any impression on the viewer�s mind.

Special Note

Usually, the language of film reviews is spicy in essence. It is somewhat ornamental. The reviewer should pick up adjectives, adverbs, similes and metaphors to shape up his opinion about the above-mentioned components of a film. For example, gripping script, outstanding performance, immaculate cinematography, superb direction, soulful music, etc.  

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