3. YEAR 2005
Attempt any FOUR questions including Question No. 1 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry equal marks. Be brief and to the point. 
(i) Fallen cherub to be weak is miserable,
Doing or suffering; but of this be sure
To do aught good never will be our task
But ever to do ill our sole delight .....
(ii) He settenat his benefice to hyre
And leet his sheepe encombred in the myre,
And ran to Londoun,
Unto seint poules,
To seeten hym a chaunterie for sonless.
(iii) Whatever spirit, careless of his charge,
His post neglects, or leaves the fair at large,
Shall feel sharp vengeance soon o'ertake his sins
Be stopped in vials, or transfixed with pins.
(iv) Or let these two, the themselves, not mee decay;
So shall I live, thy stage, not triumph bee,
Last thou thy love and hate and mee undoe,
To let me live, O love and hate me too.
(v) "O place of bliss, renever of my woes,
Give me account O where is my nobel fere,
Whom in thy walls thou didst each might enclose,
To another life, but unto me most dear:
(vi) All is possible!
Who list believe,
Trust therefore first and after preve;
As men wed ladies by License and Leave;
All is possible.
(vii) "Of the fruit
Of each tree in the garden we may eat,
But of the fruit of this fair tree a midst
The garden, God hath said, 'ye shall not eat
Thereof, not shall ye touch it, Last ye die'
(viii) And if some Lover, such as wee,
Have heard this dialogue of one,
Let him still Markus, he shall see
Small change, when we are to bodies gone.
2. In the 'Rape of the Lock' the metamorphosis of the epic gains full creative freedom. Discuss.
3. Write a detailed critical analysis of TWO of the following poems:
(i) Prisoned in Windsor
(ii) On Wyatt's Death
(iii) They Flee From Me
4. In waiting the 'Paradise Lost' has Milton succeeded in justifying the ways of God to men?
5. "Donne's Monarchy of wit was not a trick or fashion but one of the greatest achievements of the poetic intelligence." Discuss the appropriateness of this remark by Leishman.
6. What are the salient features of Chaucer's style? Illustrate from the "Prologue to the Canterbury Tales".
7. While Satan of the first two books of the 'Paradise Lost' pleases the modern sensibility, Milton's concept of man-woman relationship does not. Do you agree? 


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