5. YEAR 2007
Attempt any FOUR questions including Question No. 1 which is COMPULSORY. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain with reference to the context any FOUR of the following extracts:
(i) If then his providence
Out of our evil seek to bring forth good,
Our labour must be to pervert that end,
And out of good still to find means of evil;
(ii) By fountain or by shady rivulet
He sought them both, but wished his hap might
Find Even separate;
(iii) Ful many a deyntee horse had he in stable;
And when he rood men myghte his broydel heer
Gynglen in a whistlunge wynd als cleere,
(iv) Ful wel biloved and famulier was he
With frankeleyns over all his contree,
And eek with worthy wommen of the town;
(v) Thy beams, so reverend, and strong
Why shouldst thou thinke?
I could eclipse and cloud them with a winke
(vi) Then flashed the living lightning from her eyes,
And screams of horror rend the affrighted skies.
Not louder shrieks to pitying Heaven are cast,
When husbands, or when lap dogs breathe their last;
(vii) The long love that in my though
I harbour,
And in mine heart doth keep his residence.
2. Discuss Wyatt as father of modern English poetry.
3. Discuss Chaucer's art of narration in The Prologue.
4. Explain and illustrate the remarks that Chaucer's whole point of view is that of a humourist.
5. On the basis of your reading Book I of Paradise Lost, bring out Satan's qualities of leadership. OR
Discuss Eve's character as it develops in Paradise Lost Book IX.
6. Discuss Pope as a satirist.
7. Discuss Donne as poet of love OR
Write a comprehensive note on Donne's use of conceit.
1. Explain with reference to the context any FOUR of the following extracts:
(i) If then his providence
Out of our evil seek to bring forth good,
Our labour must be to pervert that end,
And out of good still to find means of evil;
(ii) By fountain or by shady rivulet
He sought them both, but wished his hap might
Find Even separate;
(iii) Ful many a deyntee horse had he in stable;
And when he rood men myghte his broydel heer
Gynglen in a whistlunge wynd als cleere,
(iv) Ful wel biloved and famulier was he
With frankeleyns over all his contree,
And eek with worthy wommen of the town;
(v) Thy beams, so reverend, and strong
Why shouldst thou thinke?
I could eclipse and cloud them with a winke
(vi) Then flashed the living lightning from her eyes,
And screams of horror rend the affrighted skies.
Not louder shrieks to pitying Heaven are cast,
When husbands, or when lap dogs breathe their last;
(vii) The long love that in my though
I harbour,
And in mine heart doth keep his residence.
2. Discuss Wyatt as father of modern English poetry.
3. Discuss Chaucer's art of narration in The Prologue.
4. Explain and illustrate the remarks that Chaucer's whole point of view is that of a humourist.
5. On the basis of your reading Book I of Paradise Lost, bring out Satan's qualities of leadership. OR
Discuss Eve's character as it develops in Paradise Lost Book IX.
6. Discuss Pope as a satirist.
7. Discuss Donne as poet of love OR
Write a comprehensive note on Donne's use of conceit.
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