4. YEAR 2006
Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. With Bacon does the new ear of English prose start. Elaborate with reference to his essays.
2. His satire grows more and more bitter as Swift progresses from book to book of his 'Gulliver's Travels'. Discuss.
3. Swift devised a prose style that suited his purpose very well. Elaborate with special reference to his Gulliver's Travels.
4. Can ideas, good or bad, be so effective as Bertrand Russell has claimed? Make out a case for or against in the light of his 'Unpopular Essays'.
5. How far has Edward Said succeeded in stripping the mask from the ugly face of Imperialism? Elaborate with special reference to his Introduction to Culture and Imperialism
6. Poetry is as much relevant as ever even in this highly industrialized age of ours. Discuss with reference to Seamus Heaney.
7. Trace the development of English Prose from Bacon to Seamus Heaney.
1. With Bacon does the new ear of English prose start. Elaborate with reference to his essays.
2. His satire grows more and more bitter as Swift progresses from book to book of his 'Gulliver's Travels'. Discuss.
3. Swift devised a prose style that suited his purpose very well. Elaborate with special reference to his Gulliver's Travels.
4. Can ideas, good or bad, be so effective as Bertrand Russell has claimed? Make out a case for or against in the light of his 'Unpopular Essays'.
5. How far has Edward Said succeeded in stripping the mask from the ugly face of Imperialism? Elaborate with special reference to his Introduction to Culture and Imperialism
6. Poetry is as much relevant as ever even in this highly industrialized age of ours. Discuss with reference to Seamus Heaney.
7. Trace the development of English Prose from Bacon to Seamus Heaney.
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