The Changing Face of Journalism in Digital Era

Journalism in the Digital Era Gone are the days when people used to wait for the arrival of newspapers at their doorsteps and read newspapers with sips into their cups of tea in the morning. Morning was the time to have glimpses of the world through newspapers. In the 21 st century, people have access to news even when they are on walk or move by means of digital media. Journalism in the present decade of digital media is highly competitive, more challenging and faster. The use of innovative digital communication tools in gathering, reporting, analyzing and presenting news has revolutionized the field of journalism. News gathering � News gathering was a herculean task in the years before the present era of digital media. The use of miniature digital cameras has led to the demise of big team camera crews. Correspondents at the site of a breaking story or sports event transmit images from their digital cameras to editors of a newspaper organization via Internet within seconds. W...